Wild expansion towards summer awakens the element of fire teasing out laughter & play in each one of us. Our hearts – representing the divine on earth – open wide taking in the blossoming earth; recognizing our own beauty.
This is the time of bonfires, sun-time, water-time and dancing to fairy music time. For my daily vitamin D fix, I love exposing as much skin as possible with no sunscreen applied for about 20minutes. After that, I might wear a sunhat and apply trusted sunscreen (without titanium dioxide or silicone oil). I pay attention to my skin by staying hydrated, consuming an anti-inflammatory diet, and topically using coconut oil.
To celebrate the divine feminine and find balance to the fire element, I choose to sit by water, swim in lakes, oceans or pools, I sprint through water sprinklers and dance in the rain.
On June 20th Summer Solstice falls together with the World Refugee Day. As we celebrate the sun, I see an opportunity to recognize how we are all connected, how we are one family. How can I care for this big family? How can I ease suffering? My calling is to serve; to offer my gifts to the world. I am so grateful to the world of plants that gives so generously. The plant I mostly associate with the beginning of summer is St. Johnswort : also called the sun bride who transforms light into nerve energy. Samuel Hahnemann gave St. Johnswort a homeopathic proving: specific for wounds to parts rich in nerves with sharp shooting pains, pinched nerves… Father Sebastian Kneipp called St. Johnswort the ‘perfume of God’ and the ‘flower of the fairies’. As a Flower Essence it can be a wonderful ally in melancholy. Paracelsus called it a sun-plant that brings sun & light into sad hearts. I encourage you to find St. Johnswort: sit with it and listen. One of my experiences with ‘Johanniskraut’ (that’s what we call it in Austria): just a few drops of the tincture and I feel a tingling into my fingertips. The blood seems to circulate more freely, and my pulse slows down. After a few minutes I can experience how the energy moves towards my center with a very calming effect.
This summer, may you spend time to connect with new plant friends, with the elements, with animals & humans and choose to play more. Peace Claudia
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